Silent Buddha
Yes, you are more likely to be killed by a Christian nut than by a Muslim nut. However, the Christian nut targets the enemy only (let's say abortion doctors). Muslim religious nuts target the enemy only too (the 78 % of the world population who is not a Muslim). I think there's a difference there.
Also the U.S. government goes to great lengths to keep Muslims nuts from entering the country, but they can't do a thing about Christian nuts because they were born here. That's a fact that should not be ignored when comparing the violent trends of the two religious groups.
Also, making comparisons in absolute numbers is misleading. Christians in the U.S. far outnumber Muslims. Whites also far outnumber blacks. Consider using percentages of respective groups. That will give us a better picture.
I am not here to defend Christianity, which I dislike almost as much as Islam. I just want accuracy... and let the chips fall where they may